Live Well in Braunton was set up with amazing support from our Community.
This year we secured £156,795 from the National Lottery Community Fund, which will enable us to deliver an extensive programme of support, helping our local community develop ideas and projects that will improve people’s wellbeing.
We work very closely with our local GP Surgery at Caen Medical Centre providing 1 to 1 support for individuals via our social prescriber.
We are also engaged with voluntary and statutory organisations and groups across the area, supporting existing projects, helping to identify gaps in what is available and bringing people together to fill them.
Our most exciting projects currently include the development of a ‘Men’s Shed’ and support for the ‘Braunton and Communities Forum’.
We have several other areas we are working on and hope to share with you in the coming months, including more work with younger people in Braunton, befriending support and helping to reduce the impact of mental health issues through the use of our amazing countryside.
Wellbeing Walks
Working alongside Braunton Countryside Centre, our fortnightly Wellbeing Walks are a popular way to meet new friends and enjoy gentle exercise.
You can read about our latest walk and upcoming dates on our new BLOG.
Chair Yoga with Louise Pounds
Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support.
Join us in Christ Church, every Wednesday during term time
The cost is just £4 and can be booked by calling 07870 896296
Andrea Mules has a wealth of experience within the charity and health & wellbeing sector.
Her previous roles include working for the National Autistic Society. Andrea has been a Social Prescriber for Barnstaple PCN. She has worked with Unpaid Carers supporting people from age 4 - 99 and she has also worked in supporting people with long term health and substance misuse challenges.
She enjoys a wide range of outdoor activities and sport and as a result, is a great advocate of people using activity and exercise to support their mental health.
Andrea's role in Community Development, connects individuals, groups and organisations, to what matters to them and this helps the community to bring about social change and improve the quality of life in their local area.
Janine has lived in Braunton for the last 13 years with her husband and two young daughters and comes primarily from a retail background and has worked in numerous sectors within it.
She has run her own business as a seamstress for over a decade creating handcrafted keepsake teddy bears from sentimental clothing.
Janine's passion lie in health & wellbeing and through her work life has managed to combine both her interest in this and her creative skills. She is also an avid mountain biker.
She has a great love of working with people and will be utilising these skills for Live Well in Braunton as Volunteer coordinator, admin and marketing support and will be your point of contact for any of these areas.
Health & Wellbeing Lead - Caen Medical Centre
Social Prescriber - Caen Medical Centre
I moved to beautiful North Devon in 2021 with my husband and our 2 dogs. I have 2 grown up children living independently in London and Birmingham.
I have a varied background in both business and within the charity sector, which has given me the opportunity to work alongside many interesting people, from all walks of life.
I love nothing more than working with different people from different backgrounds, so my role as a Well-being Coordinator at Caen Medical Centre is just perfect for me, supporting and signposting patients to local groups and services which will help to enrich their lives and bring them more joy. Braunton has a wealth of local groups and community resources which are updated regularly in the Live Well In Braunton directory, a great little bible for the local community and a fabulous tool for ourselves as a wellbeing team.
Social Prescriber - Caen Medical Centre
Committee Member
Susanna has been a GP for many years and says she is like 'part of the
furniture' at the medical centre.
She has always felt extremely fortunate to be a GP in Braunton.
Her idea for 'Live Well in Braunton' grew from the
recognition that we all need purpose, relationships and a sense of meaning to flourish.
'This comes from the Community around us and not from seeing the GP .
The fundamental aim of Live Well in Braunton is to link us all together so that we can build a Community that helps us all to grow and add to our health and well being'
Committee Member
I have lived in the village most of my life, and educated locally, which has made Braunton and its welfare close to my heart.
After working within the North Devon area for many years, I changed career around 25 years ago entering the funeral industry, which is my current profession.
I have a long-held passion to give something back and I spent most of my spare time up until early the 2000’s within the scouting movement in the village and district.
I have been a member of Braunton Caen Rotary for many years, working on many projects both locally and around the world.
I am Chair of the Braunton Community Men’s Shed and at the moment a Parish Councillor.
Committee Member
I moved to Braunton 22 years ago and have had various roles within the voluntary and community sector across the Northern Devon. I have seen at first hand how stronger and vibrant communities can make a real difference to people’s lives.
My final role, before retirement, was as Chief Officer at North Devon Voluntary Services. I had worked closely with Live Well in Braunton for a number of years and it was a natural progression, on my retirement, to offer to help and support this much needed community initiative.
Committee Member
I took early retirement in April 2014 after a career in the Civil Service spanning 34 years and wondered what I would do next.
Opportunities soon came along, and I joined Braunton & District U3A and this lead to the Live Well in Braunton Committee.
I am also actively involved with the Rotary Club of Braunton, Taw & Torridge Stamp Club and Braunton Bowling Club.
Involvement with these organizations has meant that I have met many residents of Braunton and made me realise how very lucky I am to live in Braunton.
Committee Member
I have always wanted to make a difference (in a good way!) to people’s lives.
I moved to Braunton in the early 1980s and was able to continue my teaching career with a specialism in supporting children with Special educational Needs (SEN), subsequently taking on more wide ranging senior leadership roles.
I then joined Devon County Council working in a number of educational and family support roles, from supporting the implementation of changes to school teacher’s pay and conditions, through extended opportunities in schools, to the Troubled Families programme and finally overseeing the reshaping and development of Early Help opportunities for vulnerable children, young people and their families.
My life post retirement was turned upside down by the death of my husband in 2022. Through this, I experienced the challenges of vulnerability myself, and also found out how ‘little acts of kindness and compassion’ can go a long way in when times are tough.
Now I want to continue, through supporting the work of this community initiative, making a positive contribution to helping people in Braunton to live well!
Committee Member
Folded into our beautiful hills and coastline lies a wealth of extraordinary people doing amazing things for our community and beyond.
If Live Well in Braunton can assist, and I a small part, then I feel I shall have done something of service.
I grew up in North Devon and since 1981 have lived in Braunton with my wonderful wife and family.
Rotaract and then Rotary has provided a counterpoint to my work as a Solicitor for nearly all that time. For many years I was also a Trustee of North Devon CAB and a Governor of Braunton Academy.
We have a wonderful team and I am learning new skills all the time.
We have a lot to do and I know that my contribution will be judged only by what we achieve.
Committee Member
Lorna is a former hairdresser and has lived in North Devon for the majority of her life. She raised her family in Braunton and also set up Braunton Twin Club.
In more recent years Lorna has been an active and ardent member of the community and has taken on many differing roles within it to enhance many diverse aspects.
Lorna is a member of Love Braunton and is also currently a Braunton Parish Councillor.
Lorna is passionate about keeping Braunton beautiful and is an avid member of the new Community Garden.
Committee Member
I have lived in Braunton since 2010, having moved back from Bristol. I grew up in a small village in north devon and moved back to buy my grandfather's house. I loved staying with my grandparents and visiting Braunton and now love living here.
I work in Bideford as a GP. In my spare time I love painting and all things creative. I have 2 lovely dogs that I enjoy walking on the burrows.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
The Wellbeing team at Caen Medical can help you complete your application if you are a Braunton patient. Please call them using this number 01271 818030 or complete the form using the button below and and you will be contacted back as soon as possible